Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blow the Whistle on a Thug

Caryn Arnold has offered to speak at all of our Crime Watch meetings.  She has spoken at two of them already and the people have thoroughly enjoyed her wit and unique perspective concerning safety and crime prevention. Caryn is legally blind and she teaches people how to use all their senses to stay safe.

Blow the Whistle on a Thug

Now here's a thought. . . blow the whistle on a thug! No mugger or any other nefarious character wants to have the whistle blown on him, and that is precisely what you can do with a Fox 40 Referee's Whistle. These whistles have a very loud sound that travels up to a mile. Don't carry it in your purse or pocket; carry it around your neck!
Charlotte has kindly invited me to attend Crime Watch Meetings to share some information about how to keep yourself safer within your environment. Carrying one of these whistles is a first line of defense and discouragement to any would-be attacker. I'm convinced that if everyone carried one of these noise-makers all of us would be much safer. I'll be demonstrating these little wonders at the Crime Watch Meetings where I give my little spiel about safety.

I've ordered thirty of these whistles from an online website. Walmart simply doesn't carry enough of them to supply all of the high-rise residents within Charlotte's area of operation. They should arrive by the end of this week. This is rather amusing. . . I bought out all of these whistles that were available at three different Walmart stores within a 20 mile radius. I found a total of eight and passed them out at the first Crime Watch Meeting where I shared this information. So, don't go to Walmart to buy one. Funnier yet, I also ordered more of these whistles than the site had available. But, they have assured me that my order will be filled within a few days.

The cost is $6.00. I purchased the black whistle with a plastic mouth guard that will make it more comfortable to use. These  DO NOT come with the lanyards (the cloth necklace.) I looked at these lanyards and thought the attachment appeared to be pretty cheaply made, so I'm going to suggest purchasing a fairly decent neck chain at Walmart. They aren't expensive and it will be money well spent.
I will be bringing a supply of these whistles to the various Crime Watch Meetings. If you would like to purchase one, have your money ready. I will continue reordering until everyone who wants one, has one. Or, if you prefer to order directly from the company, the name of the website is: Their telephone number is 1-800-259-4733. Tell 'em Caryn sent you!  Just kidding.
Caryn Arnold

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